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The Best Day Trips from Dublin

The city of Dublin in Ireland has a lot to offer. From free museums to delicious food and cozy Irish pubs, it’s easy to spend days exploring the city. Read this post to create the best itinerary for Dublin. If you have a free day, there are many options for day trips from Dublin, but the most popular ones are The Cliffs of Moher and the Game of Thrones shooting locations.

The roads in Ireland are narrow, windy, and foggy so renting a car is not advisable unless you are accustomed to driving in these conditions. There are plenty of companies offering bus tours that include a brief visit to small towns along the way.  The prices range from €40-60.  Below is the research I did before going to the Moher Cliffs.

Get Your Guide


Finn McCool

  • Moher Cliffs
  • Moher Cliffs
  • Kilmacduagh Monastery
  • Doolin Village
  • Wild Atlantic Way
  • The Burren
  • Galway City
  • Galway City
  • Galway City

12 hours, 50 EUR

14 hours, 40 EUR

45 EUR

The differences between tours are minimal. I opted for the Viator tour, which turned out to be the same as Finn McCool since our buses had the Finn McCool logo on them, and the itinerary was the same as their website.

Visiting The Cliffs of Moher

No matter when you go, take a windbreaker or a raincoat. Umbrellas are practically useless against the strong winds near the cliffs and beaches. If you go during the winter, there are not enough layers to keep you warm. Make sure you carry a beanie (warm hat), gloves, and non-slip boots. Your tennis shoes/sneakers/trainers will most likely get wet. Your chances of slipping in rocks or along the cliffs are larger with shoes that have no grip on the sole.

Now, onto the fun part… the itinerary.

Kilmacduagh Monastery

The first stop was a quick one at the Kilmacduagh Monastery, an impressive and small cemetery next to the road towards The Burren. I personally enjoy visiting old cemeteries, especially medieval-looking ones. This place is eerie and wonderful at the same time. It has a small stone church that is surrounded by medieval crosses. We were here for 15-20 minutes since we had a bit of a storm. You can read about the monastery’s story here at the Kilmacduagh Monastery‘s website.

Fighting against the strong winds of the cliffs

About four hours from departure, we arrived at the Cliffs of Moher. The bus was already shaking from the strong December wind. We waited out the rain and wind inside the museum where you can take a green screen picture “in front” of the cliffs. Pretty useful since we didn’t get to spend much time outside admiring the cliffs. When we finally stepped out of the building and head towards the cliffs, I truly feared for my life. At first it seemed like a nice challenge to venture against the wind, but there were times when I thought that I would fly away. The wind pushed back even the strongest person. Imagine a 5 foot (1.5 meters) woman, fighting against mother nature for the sake of an adventure. The rain slapped our faces repeatedly, still, we laughed at this situation and were grateful for a fogless day which allowed for some pics.

Three strong Latina warriors against that Irish wind

I was warned about the biggest risk of visiting the cliffs, the fog. It can impede the visitor from seeing anything at all on certain days. So, I’ll take strong winds over fog since admiring those 300-million-year-old cliffs was more than words can describe.

On our way to Galway City, we stopped by The Burren where the sun graced us with its presence. This beautiful place is a region in the southwest of Ireland known for the view shown in the pic below. The Burren is a beach paved by limestone dating back to the ice age. Mind your step when walking in this bedrock of cracked limestone and when crossing the highway from the bus to the beach. I almost got run over since my hood blocked my peripherals.

Not far from The Burren you can visit either Doolin Village or Galway City. I wish I would’ve chosen the tour stopping by Doolin Village since it’s known for its folklore and cute pubs. Galway is also a charming small town but its biggest attraction is the mall. We had just about enough time to explore a small Christmas market outside the mall. Here, I finally got to taste some authentic Irish coffee!

Irish coffee in Galway

If you’re spending time in Dublin, I share some transport, food, and drink advice on this Dublin post so you can plan even a quick trip to this amazing city. Wherever you decide to go in Ireland, and however the weather might be, I hope you enjoy every sip of that Irish coffee (or Guinness). Don’t forget to take a deep breath of that crisp Irish air and remember to enjoy every moment of your trip. It’s up to you to make the most out of this adventure that you’ve decided to embark on. Always, BE PRESENT and follow me on Instagram for updates on travel pics & tips.

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